Kitty (yes, that's the cat's name, just like on The Closer) also took part in the next new thing: reading on the rocks. One popular activity here at Kathleen's is walking down to the edge of the property on the shore of the Upper Bagaduce River (feeds into Penobscot Bay) and enjoying the sun, wind and other sights. This activity is countered by the equally attractive draw of sitting in the adirondack chairs on the flagstone patio overlooking the woods and water, sipping tea and reading.
Yesterday we pulled a combo, and Kathleen and I put books in bag and headed to the rocks, with JJ (one of the little dogs) and Kitty trotting along. I've never been for a walk in the woods with a cat, but he had a wonderful time.

We thought we were hitting it right at high tide, but the tide had its own opinion and forced us to relocate a couple of times. While we read, Kitty and JJ roamed, explored, treed chipmunks and found new and exciting things in which to roll. Finally They needed a rest, and while Kitty perched in a very dignified manner on a sun-warmed rock, JJ simply flopped in the dry seagrass next to me and went into a coma.

The plan for the evening was the Blue Hill Fair, where we could see Rosie's Racing Pigs, blueberry pie eating contests and a skillet tossing contest, among other fair fare. We decided to postpone to tonight, when there will also be a "mammoth aerial fireworks display.".
Instead we parachuted into the Wii Sports Resort, where we dueled with swords, jet skied, wakeboarded, bowled and generally had fun. The big new game was 100-pin bowling. We even managed to pull off several strikes and spares.
Kathleen pulled off the upset of the evening by setting a new high score in wakeboarding on her first time out. She liked the similarity between wakeboarding and Cow Racing, her favorite Wii Play activity.
-- Post From My iPhone
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