This time, we decided to try something new by driving up after work, to maximize our visit time. One catch- Julie had already scheduled a cut and color for 6:00. No problem, with some planning and organization. We would have the car all packed, meet at home after work, and I would drop Julie off at the salon. She said it would take an hour, so I would go to our favorite Italian market for some (relatively) healthy sandwiches and other gourmet road food. Then I would bring two travel mugs and two thermoses to Starbucks next to the market and get hot foamy caffeine for the five hour drive, swing back by the salon and off we'd go.
When it was time to head to the salon, I had realized I had forgotten to buy cat food, the gas tank was at less than a quarter and I had forgotten the over the counter allergy pills. I had placed my phone refill for Allegra on Saturday, but they hadn't arrived by departure. Still no problem. I would drop off Julie, get gas and cat food, run home to fill Mischief's dishes, get the drugs, THEN get the sandwiches and caffeine.
Cat food - check Gas - check. Back home, feed the cat, get the pills - check. Half hour left until salon pick up. Italian market - out of bread, so no sandwiches. Shit. At least they had Jukie's favorite chickpea salad, so not a total loss. Five minutes to salon pick up.
Okay, so I'll pop over to the salon, pick up Julie and we'll figure out what food to get.
Waiting, waiting. The stylist comes out for a cigarette break. Tells me Julie's "almost done." I'm wondering how she will get done when the hair artist is outside. Round about 7:30 Julie emerges.
Back to where the market is, and we split up. Julie heads to Quiznos for sandwiches, I hit Starbucks, and by 8;00-ish we're underway. Which brings me to the picture below. 9:00, 220 miles and just under four hours to go.
At least we tried.

-- Post From My iPhone
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